It’s been a good weekend. Saturday morning we were figure skating in the car (icy roads, brakes useless, no collisions, even the “French judge” gave us good points!) Melanie took the girls to a concert in Croydon, which they all enjoyed thoroughly. Saturday evening I was in Fetcham to preach. Sunday morning I was preaching at Oakhall. Sunday afternoon I took the girls to the park for a brief snowball fight, let them run off some steam, then home in time for me to change and head out for the evening. Back to Fetcham and preaching again. Enjoyed “tea” with some friends, then after church a brief “supper” with some other friends and then home. It’s been a good weekend. Now it’s Monday (the traditional preacher day off). Actually I’m giving Melanie the morning off, when I work hard, she is working hard, so she deserves it. This week is relatively clear (Wednesday evening Getting More study in Isaiah, otherwise nothing until Sunday). So the goal is to get a prayer letter going and a lot of preparation done for the forthcoming visit to Portland and California. Aliyah and I will be leaving a week from Saturday. A lot of preparation? Well, a Sunday morning message for Westside, rewriting class notes for the missions class, two missions conference workshops for Multnomah, a rewriting of the preaching seminar notes for the Saturday seminar in Lafayette, CA, and two different messages for two churches on the Sunday. Yes, a lot of preparation! Thanks for praying for us this week.