Archives For Meadling’s Book Reviews

We’d like to start posting more book reviews from the kids on the website.  To start off with, here’s one from Hannah (makes me want to read it!):

Book:  Beyond the Sacred Page by Jack Cavanaugh

One woman. Haunted by her past, kept from the breaking point by the love of her husband. Called into the court of Queen Anne Boleyn, and caught up in the turmoil that that brings, will she ever find peace again?

One man. A heretic hunter by trade, driven by his passion to see the Tyndale Translation of the Bible eradicated from England. Worried by his wife’s dark hauntings, and caught up in his desire to wipe away all traces of the new Protestant religion, will he ever find peace again?

Pernell and Meg Foxe. One couple, driven apart by one controversial subject, the Bible. When Meg is transformed by reading the banned book, she endeavours to hide it from her husband, who has dedicated himself to eradicate that same book. But when he discovers her secret, a torrent of thrilling and dangerous events unfold. Can Meg show Pernell the power of the Bible, before it is too late???

‘Beyond the Sacred Page’ is a fantastic novel written by Jack Cavanaugh. Set during the troubled reign of Henry VIII, this book masterfully tells the story of the Tyndale Translation, and the fire that it set in England. I give this book 10********** out of 10, for a complex, yet easily understood plot, with remarkable characters and amazing writing. I would recommend this book for ages 13 and up.


I just read a book called Guarding the Treasure. It is about how God’s people preserved God’s word through the ages. In this book it discusses many people who translated the bible into different languages and dialects and some even had to make up alphabets because some peoples didn’t have a written language.  Some of those people were King Arthur, William Tyndale, Martin Luther, Jo Shetlar, William Wycliffe and Cameron Townsend. All these people are examples of Godly men and women who valued the Bible. I really enjoyed this book and some of the reasons are: interesting and easy to read, and it inspired me to serve the LORD as a missionary or a bible translator. I would recommend it for ages 9 and up.

Little Lord Fauntleroy

Peter —  March 28, 2012

Little Lord Fauntleroy, written by Frances Hodgson Bennett, is a great book for children. It is about a little boy named Cedric. He lives in America with his mother who he calls “Dearest.” Cedric is a kind, loving, gentle boy. His deceased father was the youngest son of an English earl.

When Cedric’s father married an American woman, the Earl disowned him. One day, a lawyer arrives, and says that all of the Earl’s sons have died. That means that Cedric is the Earl’s heir. Cedric and his mother are to go toEngland, but Cedric’s mother is not to live with him.

Instead his mother is to live in a house by herself, while Cedric lives with the Earl. The lawyer tells Dearest that the Earl is a cross, grumpy, mean old man, with no friends whatsoever. But Dearest asks that Cedric is not told that his grandfather is a horrible man. When they get to England, Cedric is taken to his grandfather’s house. Little by little, Cedric wins his grandfather over, till he is much nicer. Then one day, a lady appears saying that her son has more right to be heir than Cedric does.

What will happen? Will Cedric keep the right to the Earldom? To find out you will have to read the book. I enjoyed this book so much for several reasons. First, I really like the way the author writes.  She portrays her characters in a way that captures your imagination. Second, it is an exciting story, full of suspense. This is an outstanding book for ages 8 and up.