This morning Hannah headed off to Bristol with Peter’s parents. Tomorrow Peter and Aliyah head off to stay with Melanie’s parents. That will leave Melanie with the younger two for a few days. So here’s a brief preview of Peter’s next few days for your prayers. Saturday flying via Atlanta to Portland. Sunday morning preaching at Westside Bible Fellowship. Monday through Friday involved in two things at Multnomah Biblical Seminary – he will be leading two workshops in the missions conference, and he will be teaching in the Biblical Theology of Missions masters course. Friday he will fly down to the Bay Area, CA. Saturday he leads a Biblical Preaching Seminar at Sun Valley Bible Chapel. This will probably be the biggest attendance at a BPS yet! Sunday he preaches at Sun Valley Bible Chapel in the morning, then at Fairhaven Bible Chapel in the evening, before flying back to Portland that evening. Monday morning he and Aliyah head home via Atlanta. Thanks for praying for us all, wherever we are!