It’s been ages since I wrote a post . . . several friends have gently encouraged me to break the silence! So here I am. Peter is in Cardiff tonight, speaking onboard the Logos Hope at a special evangelistic outreach. He will return in the wee hours of the morning in time to sleep a bit before preaching at Oakhall tomorrow morning. A busy weekend. We had an American family who were in London on holiday come over for lunch which was fun. The kids and I spent the rest of the day relaxing – the kids were mostly in the garden. They are so full of imagination. Tonight’s game was pretending that first Joel, then Mariah, then Aliyah were famous filmstars. They put Joel’s sunglasses on, put him in his little plastic car and wheeled him to the back door where they announced his arrival with great fanfare! Then, coached by Hannah, Joel asked, “Will you marry me?” Later on, Aliyah (aka Cornelia Fizzbert) gave a speech to spellbound audience (me!) and I was instructed to ask for her autograph!
The last few weeks have been quite nice weather-wise so the kids have been spending tons of time in the garden, watching our plants grow (yes, we, the green-thumb challenged Meads, are trying to grow veggies), keeping watch on the 6 baby birds in the nest in our shed (they have now all flown the nest!), playing in the sandpit and inventing every kind of creative game you could imagine. We have continued busily working on our schoolwork, studying the Romans in history and the human body in science and of course plugging away at math and English and Italian. We have about a week or two left of official curriculum for this year and then I will probably do a few light weeks of studying special topics before we break completely for the summer. The kids are greatly anticipating the arrival of my Aunt Carol, who will be taking care of them while Peter and I go on our special anniversary trip to Rome. What a brave woman she is! The children continue to bring us much, much joy – many laughs and also many reasons to keep us humbly on our knees as parents.
I know many of you have been praying about my health and I really appreciate it. Honestly, the past month or two has been a really confusing, challenging and exhausting time for me. It is hard for me to explain everything . . . I have been physically and emotionally very weak. It is a season in my life of just taking things a day at a time and hanging on to the Lord. I will be having some tests this coming Thursday (4th) and we would really appreciate prayer that we could get to the bottom of whatever is going on physically and also that I would be strengthened in spirit to keep going day by day. Thank you to everyone who is praying.