It’s been a little while since we posted on here. Let me just share a couple of highlights from the past couple of weeks. Last Saturday I was genuinely surprised by Melanie, the whole church and lots of family and friends who managed to surprise me three days after my 40th birthday. It was really fun to be altogether, and slightly embarrassing to miss all the clues they were sure I would catch! In a couple of weeks I will get to enjoy my birthday gift . . . but more about that once it happens.
Church is going well. We had a newcomer’s lunch on Sunday. It is encouraging to see new folks joining the church. We are very aware of our need of strength to do all that needs to be done. We are two weeks into a series in the book of James. I have preached James before, but never in a series. If you want to hear the messages, you can find them on – last Sunday we had the fire alarm go off several minutes into the sermon. Just as I said “fire insurance” the alarm sounded – perfect timing! It was just a test, so we were able to carry on.
On Monday, and the one before, I was over in Bridgend teaching a preaching course at Union School of Theology. I will be over there again next week recording video lectures that will be used in the Union hubs all around the world. Union is an exciting development and I am happy to be teaching the preaching courses both on the campus and in the learning hubs via video.
One other ministry related item – I recently sent off the first draft of the book that is the sequel to Pleased to Dwell. Hopefully it will be released in November, but more info when I have it.
Family wise we are doing relatively well. We’ve had a little bit of sickness that has made sleep slightly more challenging than we like. But generally things are going well and the children are enjoying the days of nicer weather as we head into spring.
Thanks for praying for us, and hopefully we will get some pictures on here soon.