In case you haven’t heard, we got hit pretty hard this past week with a tummy bug (stomach flu for you Americans!). It’s been miserable for us and at the moment, most of us are really weak and tired. Joel had it first, last Tuesday, so he is fully recovered. He suddenly has started eating huge amounts, as if make up for the past week of not eating much. I had it Thurs. night, Hannah Friday night, Mariah Saturday afternoon/night and Aliyah Sunday. Mariah probably had it the worst so is really weak and struggling. I have had interrupted nights in some form for four nights now, several of which I haven’t slept much at all. At this point I can hardly keep my eyes open. We aren’t really sure if Kaylah has had the bug or not. She’s had some awful nappies (diapers) and spit up once but has seemed pretty happy until today. She cried and cried at her afternoon naptime and just now has started crying when I put her down for bed. She is cutting a tooth, so that could be the cause of her symptoms. Anyway, I am finding it hard to face the thought of another broken night so I’d appreciate prayer for supernatural strength. It’s going to have to come from Him, cause I don’t have any left myself! I was reading Psalm 119 in the early hours and came across this verse: “Psalm 119:148 My eyes are awake before the watches of the night, that I may meditate on your promise.” We have a ton to be thankful for and I know the Lord is helping us. I was reading my Open Doors (persecuted church support organization) magazine and was reminded how trifling our troubles are compared to what our brothers and sisters in many countries are going through right now. Also, we are thankful Peter has stayed healthy. He was able to preach yesterday and attend an important meeting tonight. He will be gone all day tomorrow and the evening too, so please pray for strength. Peter has been a great servant to all of us, as we’ve been so ill. I must go pray with the older kids so they can go to sleep and then see what I can do for an unhappy Kaylah. Thank you for praying for us.