We apologize for our LONG silence on this site. I guess since we sent our our newsletter, we felt we’ve communicated but I realize it’s been almost a month since we posted anything online. Life has been good and busy this month. Peter’s been teaching at church (am and pm) all month, going through a series on salvation called, “Saved.” We’ve had some good response to this which is encouraging. Among other things, we’ve also been continuing with pre-marital counselling with a couple who plan to marry in a few weeks. They are facing significant practical challenges so please pray for God’s provision for them and His work in their lives. Then this week, Peter and his Cor Deo colleague, Ron, have been running an “intensive” week of training for 20 people, some from our church, some from other places. The response has been very encouraging and we pray for these people to spread the enthusiasm they have caught for God and his Word. We’ve also had many opportunities for hospitality this month too, including hosting Ron and another friend who came from Italy to attend the intensive course.
On the family front, we’ve got new baby bunnies (3 weeks old now) and we just finished our 6th week of school. The children are all doing very well and we’re into a good rhythm. Joel is flying through his “100 Easy Reading Lessons” and will soon be up to lesson #30. He’s been providing us with lots of funny quotes recently. At the end of a recent reading lesson, I asked him the question from the book that related to the short story he’d read: “What would you do if you got a cat in your Christmas stocking (like the man in the story)?” He thought for a minute and said, “Well, I would try not to whine because I really wouldn’t want a cat. I would want a dog.” Awww. The other day he told us he wants to be a Bible teacher as his first job and then listed a long list of others including policeman, fireman, etc. 🙂
Most people know now (from our newsletter which you can view in the “updates” section) that we are expecting #5 in January. We are thrilled and the children have been enjoying feeling their little brother or sister’s kicks and movements. I am feeling quite well overall and have had very few headaches which I am very grateful for. I would love prayer for continued energy and good health and a healthy delivery in just under four months now.
Tomorrow my aunt Carol will be arriving to stay with us for 10 days. She has very graciously agreed to watch the Meadlings while Peter and I go away for 5 days to Italy!! We find that these getaways are hard to plan and prepare for but they benefit our relationship so much. After a very busy month, I think we are both in need of some rest and time together. After a couple days in Tuscany, we’ll also be able to have some fellowship with our dear friends in the north of the country and attend the pastoral induction of a Cor Deo grad at the international church in Turin. Please pray for a restful and restorative time for us and for good bonding time together. Also pray for aunt Carol and at the children at home to survive our absence (which I am sure they will do just fine!).
Here are some photos from the past weeks . . . hope you will enjoy them.

Joel pointing to his 100 Easy Reading Lessons Chart. He's now put on almost 30 stickers and doing great!

The playhouse the children made with Peter. It's getting lots of use, especially in this unseasonably warm weather we are now having.

And now for some bunny photos . . . we have 5 new babies - 3 all white and 2 multi-coloured. Here is Mariah with one - maybe Marshmallow?

Here are the multi-coloured ones. One has been dubbed, "Colombus," since he ventured out of the nest and into the living area at a very young age. The girls thought it would be a good name for an "explorer" bunny (we were studying about Colombus in school at the time.)