After a 16 hr. trip, door to door, I am home from my trip to Oregon. I was greeted at the front door by gleeful children flying at me, shouting, “Mommy!!!!!!” (or was it “Mummy?”) I guess I was missed! Actually, Mariah kept declaring that she didn’t miss me, all the while clinging tightly to my neck with a huge grin. Maybe half an hour later, she admitted she actually did miss me! First things first, I got introduced to the new members of the family (rabbits), Daisy and Dandelion, in the first 2 minutes after walking in the door. The kids also excitedly showed me 2 new bookcases that have joined the Mead library system. Good investment, since my suitcases are filled with books from the US! After opening my suitcases, passing around a few gifts from Grandma and Auntie Amy and Mom too, I took a shower to revive myself and we headed off to church as a family. Yes, I was a little zoned out but it was wonderful to sit together as a family and see friends again.
My trip was so special. Thanks to everyone who prayed for me. I used the long flights (about 17 hrs. including layover) over for reading four books (don’t think I put a book down for more than a few minutes and that was just to eat!) I need to put some more reviews on my bookshelf. What a treat to feast uninterrupted on great books! I had a fantastically wonderful time with my sister, her husband, my nephew Matthew (age 3) and my new niece Claire. We didn’t do a lot of going out but just had lots of relaxed time together. I got lots of bonding time with my nephew Matthew – I think this trip was the most concentrated time I’ve ever spent with him. He’s so fun to be with – what a precious boy he is. And what can I say about Claire, other than she is just beautiful! I got lots of cuddle time and EVEN got blessed with some of her first smiles. (I felt a little guilty that they didn’t get displayed for her parents first, but I guess these Claire smiles will have to last me many months to come before I see her again!) Amy and I just got to “do normal life” together. Since we live across the ocean from each other, the time just being together was very sweet. I will miss all of them so much.
I only had one bad headache on Thursday afternoon/evening and then had one on the way home on the plane that mercifully passed after about 4 hours. I was able to see my naturopathic doctor and have some tests done too so we’ll see what the results have to tell us. Overall, I have been feeling quite a bit better. Please keep praying for healing and for me to find God’s grace sufficient when I am weak. I was thinking a little bit about 2 Corinthians 12 on the way home on the plane (thorn in the flesh passage). Are these headaches my “thorn in the flesh?” I don’t know. If so, God has a purpose in it (to keep me from becoming prideful – see verse 7) and can show his power through my weakness.
OK, off to put dinner on the table for the family. Peter has done a fantastic job being daddy without me. What a great husband I have to let me go across the world for so long. Maybe the week has caught up to him . . . as I write this, he is dozing while sitting up on the couch! As for the children, they are in the back garden with . . . you guessed it, the rabbits! I will post some pictures below.