Fully Booked for How Long?

Peter —  May 16, 2009

Sometimes people get the impression that our schedule is full for months or even years to come.  Sometimes it feels a bit like that, but I love it when I get to preach on short notice.  I was asked a couple of days ago to preach at a new church for me, just round the other side of London.  So tomorrow evening I get to do that.  Today a very long-term friend is coming to London to hang out and hopefully enjoy watching a football match together (I usually rely on online highlights to save time, but it’s worth watching the whole deal today – especially since I’d only be checking the score if I wasn’t watching it!)  Yesterday Melanie took the two older girls into London on the train to enjoy “afternoon tea” with friends from the States at a central London hotel.  They had a great time.  The day before that I picked up a new friend from Heathrow airport and hung out in a huge hotel lobby for a while (I’ll explain that more at some point).  I suppose our schedule seems a bit full at the moment, even though this is technically a light time in the schedule.