I just received this update from Peter Maiden, head of OM:
We are very encouraged by the number of people joining us through our August GO conference. The number at present stands at 267, though this can change a little in the final days before the conference begins. This would be the largest number joining us since 1997. We often ask you to ‘pray for labourers’, so please join us in thanking God for answered prayer.
With OM Ships requiring less people from this conference than usual, this means a much larger number going to various OM Fields, and interestingly this is particularly within Europe. Please pray for the conference beginning on 24th August, for safety in travel to the conference and then the teams and for integration into those teams on arrival.
I’ll be involved in the conference a little bit over the middle weekend. Please pray for these sessions to be significant as God chooses to work through them. Thank you.
We are very encouraged by the number of people joining us through our August GO conference. The number at present stands at 267, though this can change a little in the final days before the conference begins. This would be the largest number joining us since 1997. We often ask you to 'pray for labourers', so please join us in thanking God for answered prayer. With OM Ships requiring less people from this conference than usual, this means a much larger number going to various OM Fields, and interestingly this is particularly within Europe. Please pray for the conference beginning on 24th August, for safety in travel to the conference and then the teams and for integration into those teams on arrival.