Archives For Family Funny

Saturday Church Service

Melanie —  December 18, 2010

Today we woke up to a white, frosty world.  About six inches of snow was on the ground and more was falling fast.  After breakfast, we all trooped out in the snow to play a bit although little feet got cold quickly so we didn’t stay out long! (Watch for snow photos coming soon in our next mini-update.)

We had no plans for today so we are thoroughly enjoying that “snowed in” feeling.  I had ingredients on hand to make some stew (which fitted in nicely with our cozy winter day) and afterwards, Joel and Mariah planned a church service for us.  I don’t think I’ve laughed so hard in a very long time!  Get ready . . .

Just before the service started, Mariah asked me to check the spelling on her sign she was making for the church.  It read, “Bap mist chrch.”  Maybe she’ll be a Baptist someday but we are currently not members of that denomination!

Hannah, Aliyah, Peter and I got ushered into the playroom where the rectangular cushions from our futon were arranged as pews.  They had a little table up on top of the futon as a pulpit.  Joel, dressed in his Sunday best, started out the service by telling the story of creation and Adam and Eve sinning, very accurately told!

Preach it, brother!

Continue Reading Saturday Church Service

Babies and Drums

Melanie —  November 27, 2010

Joel told us the other night that he was having two babies – one at the front and one at the back!  (NOTE: He was copying his sisters by putting teddy bears inside his shirt and must’ve been inspired by some friends we’ve been praying for that just had twins! 🙂

Hmmm . . . he's carrying one baby low, one baby high . . .

Sleeping could be uncomfortable tonight Joel!

Just in case you are worried that Joel is getting too influenced by the females all around him . . . he definitely is all boy.  Constructions trucks, tools, and drums, drums, drums.  He has a little drum and got another one for his birthday , he loves playing on the drums at church and makes everything he can into a drum!  Here is a little video for your viewing pleasure . . .

Don’t miss yesterday’s post with birthday pictures on it . . . Birthday Boy post

Birthday Boy

Melanie —  November 26, 2010

Our little boy is four years old!  We can’t believe it really . . . where have all those years gone?  He is a delight to our family and brings us much joy and laughter.  The latest “funny” was recently when we were saying Psalm 8 at bedtime.  When I had finished he asked, “Mom, what about those beans?  Are they baked beans?”  He was referring to the line in the psalm that says, You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings. I explained the difference between beings and beans after a hearty chuckle! 🙂  Anyway, here are some birthday photos for you.  May He grow up to be a godly man who loves Jesus with all his heart.

Hannah made cupcakes . . . the younger three hanging around for a spoon to lick!

Joel requested hot cross buns and raisins in boxes for his birthday breakfast.

Joel was born at 10:18 am on 18 November . . . so we waited til that moment, had a family cuddle and gave a great cheer when Joel officially turned four!

Grandpa and Grandma Mead came over for a birthday lunch. Here is Joel enjoying his present from them. This boy LOVES drums!

Joel had been talking about having a wagon for his birthday and he got one as a combined gift from several family members, including his big sisters who chipped in to pay for it! It has been the source of a lot of fun so far and there's much more fun to come from it I'm sure. (the cover is removable) Joel is wearing a birthday card/hat from his US grandparents.

A couple days later, we had a visit from some good friends from Oakhall (our former church). We had another little party with a fire engine theme. Here is Daddy starting to work on the fire engine cake.

Here is the finished product. Peter did a great job! The girls added the playmobil.

But all firemen need a healthy meal before eating cake . . . it's jacket pototes for dinner.

Potato devoured (sort of!) and on to the important part - the cake! Look at the "wow!" in his eyes. I love that look. Joel's good friend, Nathan, is sharing the moment.

Let the party roll on . . . this is Aliyah "Stegasaurus" Mead

Not to be left out . . . .Lucy, the littlest party girl (Nathan's sister)

Lucy spent most of her waking moments in the arms of various Mead girls. We had a great time with the whole family. They are a blessing to us and we were so glad they came to visit.

All in all, Joel had a great birthday weekend.  We thank God for giving us a little boy to raise for Him.