Talking about the weather is a British institution. We are some of the best at it in the world. And recently we’ve been experiencing some very cold days, hard frosts and beautiful trees. But I don’t plan to talk about the weather. Hannah is not feeling so good. She seems to have the same virus Melanie had last week. Aches, pains, staying in bed. Miserable. Anyway, we’re wanting to go to a Christmas party with our friends at the homeschool club we used to attend on Saturday, then stay with friends in Caterham, then I’m speaking at a church in Guildford on Sunday. Please pray for Hannah to improve soon and for the rest of the family to avoid the bug so we can follow through with plans this weekend. (Plan B would be for me to go to Guildford early on Sunday morning alone . . . so please pray for me to avoid getting it until next Wednesday, since I have a UCCF team day event on Monday/Tuesday.)