It seems we are dealing with a very stealthy virus. Just when you think it’s gone, it’s not. It’s the middle of the night here and Hannah has thrown up several times and Joel has too. I was the first person to get it – last Monday – and then Hannah was sick in the night on Thursday. She was totally fine all day Friday, then was sick in the night again that night. Again, she seemed completely normal on Saturday, Sunday, Monday and now – sick in the night again. What a delay. Mariah came out to see what the commotion was about and Joel started asking me for a drink and I happened to notice HE’D been sick in his bed too. I forgot to mention, I had a relapse of being sick on Sunday morning, then a headache last night and only slept maybe 2 hours last night. So I am kind of running on empty at the moment and really need the Lord’s strength. He really carried me through the day today and I was really looking forward to a nice long night’s sleep tonight but . . . He knows how much we can handle. I will try going back to bed now and see what the rest of the night brings. Pray for Peter to escape this wierd time-delayed virus too so he can teach his course well up in Scotland. Pray for eternal fruit.
“My soul clings to you, your right hand upholds me.” (from Psalm 63)