Forgive us for not posting on our site in the past few weeks. They have been very busy ones. The last weeks of Cor Deo were very full and we spent quite a bit of time counselling couples pre-maritally. The first season of Cor Deo came to an end well and we praise God for all He’s done. (Click here to go to Cor Deo end of term report.)
We just returned from a week’s holiday on the north Devon coast which was very refreshing for us. We all needed a break from the busyness and a change of pace. We’ll try to post some photos soon. Peter has been busy catching up on all the admin tasks that were left undone during the Cor Deo season! Mounds of paper are emerging from his office into the recycling and he’s getting excited at the prospect of his desk re-appearing. 🙂 He’s also preparing to preach on the book of Jonah on Sunday at our church.
Our young people’s housegroup met last night and we continued our study on the life of Abraham. Tonight we have another pre-marital counseling session with a couple from church (the other 2 couples we are working with have now left town.) Please pray for wisdom for us and for them to have open hearts to listen and learn. On Saturday I am hosting a Bible study evening for women. We’ll be studying the book of Titus. Pray for me to lead well and for everyone to be touched by God’s Word and motivated to live it out more fully.
The children are enjoying the summer holidays. They have been saving their money for a very long time and have now bought a large wooden playhouse for the garden. It came in about a million pieces and needs to be painted. So Daddy and the Meadlings are currently engaged in that project. 🙂 The children are also having an intensive week of swimming lessons this week. I am enjoying a slower pace with no homeschooling and a bit less going on ministry-wise. I have been reading a lot and got through quite a few books on our holiday. Maybe I’ll write a post about them soon or put them in our book review section. Watch this space. We also hope to get a paper prayer letter written and sent out in the next month or two.
As always, we covet your prayers that we would stay close to the Lord and that our family would love and serve Him well.