Seminars, Interviews, Backyards and Other Stuff

Peter —  March 9, 2010

The days are ticking by quickly at the moment.  Friday we drove to Newent in Gloucestershire, where we stayed with some friends for the weekend.  I led the preaching seminar on Saturday with a great group of people, then spoke twice on Sunday at the church.  We enjoyed our visit very much.  Then it was a late night drive home on Sunday.  Yesterday I had a meeting with some friends which meant more driving, but again an encouraging time shared together and hopefully a sense of God’s hand at work in it all.  It’s a real blessing to be enjoying sunny weather at this time of year too – other years have been wet or snowy, but we’re loving the sun and the chance to kick a football around in the back garden (yard).

Yesterday an interview I did for went online.  It’s 36 minutes long and focused on Bible teaching/preaching.  If you wanted to listen to it, you’ll find it if you click here.

Tonight I’m back in Guildford for part two of the seminar on 2Timothy.  I’d appreciate your prayer for that, thanks!