Here’s a quick update as we know many friends have been praying for us . . .
Praise – yesterday was our first meeting as Trinity Chippenham. It was a wonderful time together. Not a single person needed to miss through illness or work and it was a very special time. After the two weeks of health challenges in our home, it was a real blessing to be able to all attend this historic meeting. The venue feels like it will work really well for us. Yesterday we showed up early and got things setup. Now we know what needs to happen and so can plan setup teams, etc. In the early weeks we have creche/nursery, but nothing started for the 5-11 year olds. Things will progress incrementally as we move towards the point where we announce publicly that the church exists and start to invite neighbours, etc. These are exciting days for everyone involved and thank you for praying for us if you have. Please pray for continued unity and clarity as we move forward together.
Prayer – please can you pray for Melanie and I in these days as we try to figure out a solution to her sleeplessness? The last weeks have been extremely challenging as she is struggling to sleep. It feels like a vicious cycle because as sleep becomes more precious, it also feels more pressured, and therefore more elusive. She is really running on empty at the moment and is afraid of how hard it might become to climb out of this hole physically. Please pray for us to find solutions that will actually help. Thanks so much.