One Benefit of Lockdown

Peter —  June 10, 2020

A huge benefit of lockdown has been time together as a family.  This last weekend the girls led the worship music segment of our church service.  For at least the next 10 days you can see the video here

Another benefit has been the space in the schedule to learn new skills and develop plans for Cor Deo Online … since we probably won’t be able to do an in-person Intensive for many months, we have decided to start offering Cor Deo refresher content online.

1. There will be more videos going up on the Cor Deo YouTube channel (click here to go there and please do subscribe to the channel, click the notification bell, like and comment freely, etc – it all helps!)

2. There will be online gatherings to either attend or access online via the Cor Deo update emails.  If you don’t receive updates from Cor Deo, you can click here to subscribe to the updates and receive your invitation to access this second level of content.

Please pray for this addition to the ministry of Cor Deo to progress well!

During the lockdown I have been uploading brief Bible reading highlight videos.  The latest set was a Journey Thru John – one highlight per chapter.  This set will be complete in the next couple of days.  Here is the playlist in case you’d like to check them out: