So tomorrow we hand over the keys to our housesitter and head for the French Alps. We have been to the Christian Workers Conference before (08-10), but not for the last two years. It should be a good week of fellowship, teaching, eating, swimming and whatever else you do at a conference full of missionaries. The children are excited to see old friends, make new ones, and enjoy a place they have enjoyed in the past.
I think we are looking forward to the fellowship, etc., but also just a week away to ponder things and pray about all that is coming up in the next weeks. The rest of 2013 will be busier and we want to go into that season with our hearts in the right place and looking to God rather than to ourselves or our circumstances.
We have been thinking about the mission of the church in the world. What an amazing thing to be part of God’s great plan to reach the world with His love. I wonder how many of us have gotten too caught up in “churchianity” and lost sight of the desperate need for real church to be engaging a real world with a real answer to the very real problems people face? Perhaps it would be good for all of us to ask for a clearer glimpse of the Gospel in our Saviour so that we can live out our calling to be His body in this world. Anyway, thanks for praying for us as we head off and prepare for the forthcoming season of ministry, interactions and challenges!