Here’s why I’m feeling busy: just returned from a good trip to Holland where I taught a preaching course at Tyndale Seminary – an excellent Bible school with delightful students and visitors (I took three Cor Deo team members with me, but lost one to appendicitis – he’s safely back in the UK and recovering!) Just finished another day of Cor Deo studies (today we looked at the books of Samuel, Rehoboam’s little finger moment and a load of Luther this afternoon). Tomorrow evening we begin our first Cor Deo evening class in Habakkuk (we have over thirty registered for this, very encouraging). This weekend I am starting an 11-part series in Mark’s gospel at Ladyfield.
Here’s why I’m thankful: being involved in the ministry at Tyndale in Holland was a blessing, as was Chris’ safe return and surgery, and the chance to catch up with old friend Jordan. The Cor Deo guys are a delight to study alongside, and the material is quality too (big fan of God’s Word!) I’m really thankful for how Cor Deo has gone so far and how God has answered so many prayers along the way. I’m thankful for the chance to study Habakkuk with a bigger group who can hopefully return to their churches encouraged and motivated by God’s Word. I’m thankful for the chance to preach a series in a single book as we delve into Mark from this Sunday on. I’m thankful for Melanie, the children, etc., too of course, which is why I’m ending this post now and going to deal with a little issue from Joel’s day today.