February begins our birthday season, with four girls’ birthdays in four weeks. We’ve made some special memories! In the middle of all the festivities, Hannah and I took at trip to Oregon so she could check out two universities she is interested in applying to attend. Wow, I can’t believe this season in our lives has arrived! My family and Hannah’s close friend, Anne, had no clue we were coming; it was super fun to surprise them all!
Also, this month, we are running a parenting course in our church life groups, Peter has been preaching on Sundays through the life of Joseph (Where is God in This?) and Cor Deo has held a one-week women’s course. The last day was sadly cancelled due to snow, but they covered some of the last day’s material on the fourth day and they’ll have an evening next week to finish off for anyone able to attend. From all accounts it’s been an impactful week in these ladies’ lives. We have another women’s Cor Deo week coming up in Devon the week after next. We are so grateful for your continued prayers for us as we serve at church and beyond. Our hearts are full of gratitude to God for his blessings, including a much waited for mini-snow storm over the past few days which provided hours of fun for the children (and yes, Peter and I too!)
Here are some photos for you. (Also, check out my “Currently Reading” page which I just updated. And if you haven’t explored the rest of the website recently, we have done a long overdue update to all the pages!)

We did outings with Mom and Dad this year instead of big parties with friends. Kaylah asked to go ice skating. Peter and I had a lot of fun with her!

We (and all our relatives) surprised her with a bike for her birthday. We took her into the store blindfolded. Jessah said, “Bike!” just before we took the blindfold off. 🙂

As I have done with her older sisters, I took her away for a night for her 13th – we had fun playing bananagrams (such an addictive game!), watching War Room, eating and shopping.

Here’s Hannah and me on the plane getting ready to fly to Oregon. It was a memorable trip for both of us.

Hannah and I drove by the Hillsboro apartment building Peter and I lived in during his time in seminary. Ours was the upstairs one on the left. We have so many memories here, especially of Hannah and Aliyah as babies!

And here we are at Multnomah with dear friend, Carley Wecks (we ran into her in the salad line in the cafeteria!). What a joy to reconnect!

Please pray for Hannah as she prays about her future and prepares for it. She really liked both universities so she’ll probably apply to both and keep praying.

Even though we had to postpone her cinema trip and birthday dinner til tonight, we had so much fun in the beautiful snow!