We are planning lots of details right now. Yesterday I described it like trying to organize three vacations and half a house move at the same time. Truth is that we’re not getting three vacations, but the details are similar – travel, car rental, motels, etc. Melanie has surprised me by arranging a night away together to celebrate my birthday. We leave this afternoon and return tomorrow. Please pray for the children to do well without us here. Hannah will be in charge. I’m just joking – friends from church have been lined up to take care of them all.
In the midst of it all I have been enjoying the briefer times of message preparation lately. It really is a delight to wrestle with the text and let the text wrestle with you. This has to be one of the top privileges in my role (although we all have the privilege of spending time in God’s Word). On Sunday I am preaching Mark 2:1-12, then there are several messages to work on for the US meetings. Please pray for this privilege to be fruitful so that I am ready for each meeting.