We are happy to share a little update with you from the past few months! December feels a long time ago now. We had a special month. With Aliyah home, we were all together as a family. These days are times to treasure!

Aliyah came with the younger girls and I to a homeschool Christmas event at a Zoo Farm. We had such a sweet time together.

A big focus of the month was our church’s Nativity musical outreach. There were 3 performances over two days and we rejoice that the gospel was so clearly shared!

It involved a huge number of our church family and was truly amazing! We had many people attend who did not know Jesus. We pray that the Spirit will continue to remind them of the message they heard.

Peter and Joel were Roman soldiers! They stayed in character as they welcomed people into the building – I think they scared a few people!
Kaylah had an important behind the scenes role – controlling all the recorded audios (sound effects, music, etc). I got to watch all three performances and I was so moved every time. Of course I was really proud of my family but actually my heart was so warmed to see so many of our church family playing their roles too. We had young kids controlling spotlights (under adult supervision), an advertising/social media team, musicians performing live music, a catering team, a backstage team helping the actors with timings, make-up, props, etc. and more! It was so beautiful to see all the parts of the body of Christ working together to do something to share Jesus with our community. We pray for much fruit!

Christmas was extra special as it was the first one with Noah and Hannah with us as a married couple!

As is our tradition, we had Grandpa and Grandma Mead join us for Christmas afternoon and evening dinner.

In early January, Mariah went to Albania to help a dear Ukranian missionary friend who was having a baby. She thoroughly enjoyed her time there!
The same day Mariah left, Aliyah left for Canada to visit her boyfriend, Michael and then went back to Moody for the new semester. She seems to be thriving there in her classes and many ministry opportunities. Hannah and Noah left for the USA at the end of January in order to re-apply for his UK visa. We are thanking God that the first appointment he needed came through very quickly and the visa in now in process. Hannah is working remotely at the moment, but will need to return to the UK for work in mid-Marc.h We are asking God for a super speedy visa approval process for Noah so they can be apart as little as possible. We miss them but we are so happy they are getting this time with Noah’s family – an unplanned visit but we hope a blessed one.

Before they left, Hannah gifted Kaylah with an early birthday present – a second-hand but very nice camera that had belonged to her. Kaylah was thrilled!
Thank you for praying for our family! We’ll be sending out an email update shortly that will have more ministry news. We are thankful to be a team with you!