It’s the same site, but a better address. I’ve just changed the URL for my preaching site to – a more memorable address. If you haven’t taken a look recently, please do so. If you could forward the address on to any preachers you know, that would be much appreciated. The site continues to get good traffic and a steady stream of positive and appreciative feedback. I won’t quote the feedback here, but this small part of our ministry seems to be a help to people in many countries (as well as the obvious ones I see traffic from places like Korea, Indonesia, India, South Africa, Nigeria, Russia, Spain, Brazil, etc. – 26 countries on the current list). Obviously some of these visitors may get to the site by accident, but feedback shows some are definitely appreciating the site. Related to this part of the ministry is the book proposal I am trying to get completed and sent off in the next few days. I have a good list of people ready to endorse it, the best possible foreword writer . . . now I just need a publisher to bite. I’ll let you know when the proposal is sent so you can pray for it. Thanks.