A Miscarriage Poem

A strand from me

A strand from him

Woven in love, carefully knit together

Two made one and life was born

Held in the strong hands of a Master Designer


Not an accident but created in love

A little life with a purpose

This tiny one grew safe inside

For such a short time


Who could stop my heart from loving?

Who could stop my heart from hoping?

Dreaming, planning for joy ahead


My mother’s heart wanted to protect, to guard, to cherish

I longed to know, to hold, to love

This tiny one

Who one day was safe inside

The next day . . . gone

Leaving behind an empty womb

Tears without number


Who could stop my heart from aching?

Who knew the sorrow would weigh so much?

Crushing weight on a fragile soul


Jesus, the man of sorrows, familiar with grief

He’s never left us

Walking with us, mourning with us

Through the ups and downs of this road called grief


In the darkness, trust has deepened

As I cling to His hand when I cannot see

My heart surrenders

To my Father who is good

The Author of Life

To Jesus, my compassionate Saviour

Who holds life and death in His nail-pierced hands


We’ll never hold our little one in this life

And yet our hearts will not forget

This missing strand of the fabric of our family

But someday, these tears will be wiped away

Death will be swallowed up by new life


For now, Father, you collect my tears in your bottle

You whisper that every life is a gift, no matter how short

And you hold us

And our little one

Safe in your arms