We woke up to a very windy Caterham this morning. There are fence panels down and various things blowing around in the back garden. Thankfully we don’t have the damage some parts of the country have, at least not yet!
This weekend went very well, thank you for praying. Saturday night was a good time in Feltham with a good crowd from several churches. I got home late, then headed off early yesterday to drive the 85 miles to Letchworth. Again, a very enjoyable day in a very friendly church. It is a blessing to have these times with different fellowships of God’s people. They are currently looking for a new pastor. They are a church in a key location for the people of the estate all around. I pray that their ministry there will be genuinely fruitful in the months ahead.
The next days are busy with the OM team retreat, friends passing through on their way to Africa, small group at our home tomorrow evening, etc.