In some ways this was a tough weekend and we are fairly drained at the end of it. However, the preaching seminar seemed to go well, thankfully. There were 22 present, from about 10 different churches. Some of them travelling a long distance to be there. The day went well. As always I see things that I can improve for next time, but I shouldn’t allow perfectionistic tendencies to detract from the fact that the Lord answered prayer and it was a good day. We’re hoping to do a follow-up event later in the year or next year focusing on preaching narrative texts. So Sunday morning I drove back to Guildford again and preached the sermon we worked on on Saturday. I think it went well. Honestly, the sermon from 1Cor.15:50-58 was something I needed to hear. Hopefully it was a help to others too! So if you prayed for this weekend, thank you.
We finished yesterday with an answered prayer too. As I was putting Aliyah in her bed she told me she didn’t have her “blankie.” We searched the house in vain. Then she told us she’d taken it to church. So finally I decided to drive over to church, even though everyone had left. I was able to pull up on the sidewalk/pavement, open the door and pick it up. I got home to find Aliyah praying about it with Melanie . . . cute. Tears dried, back to bed, all ended well. (Aliyah reappeared a bit later and gave Melanie the blankie – “it smells, can you wash it?” – so knowing it was safe and sound she finally went to sleep!)