November has just flown by! Last night we celebrated Thanksgiving with some good friends from church. I (Peter) spent the day teaching the UCCF Wales leadership team, and the day before spent the day at Union School of Theology teaching the preaching class. I don’t really know where this month has gone. Earlier in November I had a very enjoyable visit to Chicago. It was great to be able to take Aliyah too, who spent time with Melanie’s Aunt, and with one of Aliyah’s best friends (a successful surprise visit!) My purpose in going was to lead a seminar for a ministry leadership team, and to get a feel for that ministry. It was a good time and there is a possibility that I will have further opportunity to influence that ministry, which would be great. I also got to meet with friends at publishing houses, as well as a weekend at Moody Church (I spoke at one of the adult Sunday School classes) – all of which was a real encouragement to me.
December is obviously a busy season for church, but also for other ministries too. In church we have three Sundays in a row that are very much targeting guests – please pray for contacts to come and for fruit to come from this connection. The end of the semester means a large amount of marking to do – he will have about 60 sermons to watch and give feedback, as well as the same number of essays. Please pray for Peter to be able to get through that quickly, but also giving feedback that will be helpful to all the students. From the 4th-8th December Peter will be in Spain with the year round mentoring group of preachers from all over Europe. This is part of the European Leadership Forum and is a good time of ministry. He is scheduled to do the morning Bible studies for the larger group too. So lots going on, prayer appreciated for it all!