We are in a unique situation this week as our family is separated: 3 up north and 4 down south. Peter has taken Hannah and Aliyah up to a Christian camp in Scotland called Teen Ranch. Among other things, they should be spending lots of time riding horses which is an activity they can’t get enough of! This mummy is hoping they are not freezing to death as the weather continues to be excessively cold for this time of year. It was snowing again here today and the wind just about knocked us over as we came out of the supermarket! Peter is staying up near the camp to have a bit of a reading/writing sabbatical. I just spoke to him and he was excitedly telling me how he has spent his day in Matthew 2 and loving every minute. I am so glad for him that he is getting a little mini retreat, even though I miss him a lot. He and the older girls will be back late Saturday night. Meanwhile, back at the ranch . . . no, wait, it’s Hannah and Aliyah at the “ranch!” . . . so meanwhile, here at home, we are holding down the fort and trying to stay warm. Mariah and Joel and Kaylah and I are having fun. Due to the change in big kid/little kid ratio, Kaylah is getting more time to explore the house without someone next to her every minute – ha! I think she’s enjoying it. 🙂 Mariah and Joel and I have had lunch out with 3 different families (what a treat!) and we’re going to dinner at the Searights’ tomorrow night. We’ve done some fun things together – like making cookies and cupcakes, going to our favorite place – Bowood House, enjoying a new read-aloud – and I even got to take them to ride ponies yesterday (we thought they should have a little horse experience of their own). We enjoyed it and just about managed to keep from turning into icicles, thanks to the sun deciding to shine yesterday despite the cold temperatures and the wind. I’ve had a bit of difficulty sleeping, which is normal for when Peter is away, and I woke up with that pre-migraine feeling this morning. However, I am praising God that the migraine never developed so I am super thankful for that. I always value prayer that I can get good sleep. Last night I fell asleep fine, but was really troubled with some intense and horrible dreams and then woke hearing a crash in the house, which I never figured out the source. Thus, a distubed and nerve-racked night. I am going to shut down the computer now and head to bed. I am thankful for my Father who is always with me and cares for me so much. These verses touched me in a special way this week: “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But even the hairs of your head are numbered. Fear not, therefore, you are of more value than many sparrows.” (Matthew 10:29-31)