I preached yesterday at Oakhall Church. It is encouraging to think about what Joseph didn’t know, and yet what he did know enabled him to press on into the challenging times ahead with faith – I for one was encouraged by taking a closer look at Joseph in Matthew 1. Now I have one “preach” left before a break for the rest of the month. The break will involve family time and Christmas, but it will also allow me to make progress on some other projects too. On Saturday I had a couple of hours with Ron, my colleague in the Cor Deo venture. That was encouraging and I have some projects to press ahead on that front in these next days. It is exciting to see God bringing details together for this. I have meetings with people most days this week, some about Cor Deo. Hopefully we’ll all be able to get into some sort of December rhythm – it can easily become an overwhelming month, but hopefully not this year.