This week we finished the second Cor Deo women’s programme. It was three weeks with a group of six ladies, led by our good friend Gretchen from Portland. Peter and Mike went in each morning to help with teaching the Bible sessions and the history/theology sessions, but then Gretchen and Anniina (a good friend from our church), led the afternoons. It was a great time! Sadly we were hit with coughs, colds, and flu and so different ones struggled at different times. Peter even missed a day which hasn’t happened too many times over the past years.
It was so special to look at John together, enjoying Christ more each day. It was good to think through how Christianity has arrived at this point, primarily so we can think about how to discern what is healthy and how to share that with others. We also got to enjoy some meals together and will miss the ladies that are now travelling to or already home in Portland, Slovenia, Wales, Devon, etc.
Thank you for praying for us during this time. We are already looking at the schedule to determine when we can run this programme again – please let us know if you might be interested next time!