Catching Up!

Melanie —  January 26, 2017

Wow, we have been seriously neglectful in writing on our blog.  We will try to do better in 2017! To help you catch up with us a bit,  I will share some photos which will hopefully give you a taste of what we have been up to over the past couple of months.  There have been plenty of challenges but also many joys and we have much to thank our loving Father for!

Coming up in family life, we have four birthdays to celebrate and are so excited that Mariah is getting baptised on Sunday!  Please pray for her as she takes this important step.  Peter will be preaching at the service and he is a bit under the weather with a cold/flu so please pray he is well for Sunday and for the Holy Spirit to speak through him as there will be quite a few visitors including those who don’t know Jesus yet.  My aunt Carol is arriving from the USA tomorrow and will join us for all the festivities, starting with Kaylah’s 5th birthday party on Saturday.

On the ministry front, we have been busy with many things. . . . a few highlights:  this week has been a special week of prayer at church and it has been a very encouraging time.  Peter was in Germany last week, speaking at the OM entry conference for a couple of days.  The women’s Cor Deo programme is starting Feb. 6th and we are excited about that.  Those are just a few highlights . .  as always we value your prayers very much.  Apart from Him we can do nothing!

Now for the photos . . .


There have been ups . . .


. . . and downs 🙂
(literally and figuratively!)


Mariah decided to donate her hair to a charity. It took her a few days to get used to it but she’s really happy she did it. We all think it looks great!


Our Christmas season was very busy (I still haven’t learned how to make it not crazy!) but we had lots of fun moments. Here the Meadlings are eating gummy sushi – part of a lovely Christmas gift box from some friends.


Here they are on Christmas morning with their stockings (it’s getting harder to all fit on Dad and Mum’s bed!)


Don’t think sleepy Jessah had a clue what was going on but she had a smile for us!


Dad made star shaped eggs for Christmas breakfast!


It’s also getting harder to take an “in front of the Christmas tree” photo! (maybe we need a bigger tree!)


Kaylah is loving her new rollerblades!


Opening gifts was an activity in itself for Jessah! Here she is opening the doll that Kaylah picked out for her.


Checking it out . . .


We love playing games with Grandma and Grandpa. This one is GRandpa’s favourite – Halma.


And fun with cousins . . .


Dad and Aliyah


We took a frosty December walk a few days after Christmas.


Jessah exploring a tree . . .


Aliyah likes to wear Jessah in the baby carrier . . .


Hannah took some amazing photos . ..




Miss Jessah took off with her walking a few days before Christmas . . .


Watch out world – here I come! 🙂


Taking a moment to chill out . . .


This girl is full of energy and smiles.


Can you tell she likes hats?


She wants to do everything that the big kids do!  They are very patient with her.


Can I help?!


Couldn’t resist sharing just one more photo of her!


We had a very special celebration on Saturday. Kaylah finished her 100 Reading Lessons. Dad made her a special certificate.


Here we are counting out 100 chocolate chips to put on her cake.


Reading the last few lines of the 100th lesson!


Good job Kaylah! Welcome to the world of books! 🙂


Thank you for your prayers for our family.  We love you all and thank God for your partnership with us.