We came over with as little luggage as possible. This was partly due to travelling in CA for two weeks and wanting to be able to breathe in the car. The other reason was that we knew we’d have stuff to take home. We were right. Homeschool materials for next year, books, clothes, etc. So we have four boxes and five duffel bags packed. This afternoon we need to get the other stuff in the last box. I just spent an hour on the phone due to a fraudulent purchase on our credit card. The card is cancelled and thankfully the “thief” didn’t strike again. So, tomorrow we head to the airport. Pray for no drama at check-in (ie. anything being overweight, unnecessary delays, seating arrangements, etc.) We fly out of Portland at 1:33pm, change in Denver I think, then arrive in London at 12:15pm on Wednesday. Please pray for children to smile or sleep, but not scream or lose their lunch! We are sad to leave, but excited to get home and see our friends there again. Thanks for praying for us as we travel!