We are now almost a third of the way through this year’s Cor Deo. It has been busy, but such a blessing to be part of this. I thought you might appreciate a taste of a typical week in the Cor Deo classroom. We study together Tuesdays through Thursdays. Is it fair to call three days a week? You decide:
This Tuesday we spent time reporting on our weekends of ministry in Poland and Netherlands, and praying for upcoming ministry, then we used storying to engage the Rehoboam nation splitting moment, followed by an overview of the lives of Samuel, Saul, David and Solomon, and after lunch spent time considering the later life and writings of Martin Luther and his contemporaries. Wednesday began with Bible highlights in pairs, followed by a brief discussion of the textual difficulty in John 7:53-8:11, a walk through John 7 and then a close analysis of John 8:12-59, and then a discussion of how to engage people whose hearts grow cold to Christ, a one hour introduction and overview of Ezekiel, then back in the evening for the first evening class in Habakkuk where we considered the historical setting and well as the impact of Habakkuk 2:4 in the New Testament and in later history with Luther getting another mention, as well as John Wesley. Thursday began with a presentation of how the various types of theology relate (exegetical, biblical, historical, dogmatics, systematic, dominion, feminist, process, natural, etc.), a consideration of spiritual gifts and the concept of every member ministry in the local church, a consideration of the notion of a divide between clergy and laity, then after lunch I had four one-on-one meetings relating to projects on Paul’s sermons in Acts, preaching that reaches the heart, discipling the missing generation and an exegetical study of Ephesians 5.
It felt like a week. A good one though!
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