Hannah – “We have had a really good year. Some of the highlights were going on holiday to Italy, spending time with family in Devon, and having the prayer meetings for the new church. It has been good to get a holiday at Christmas because we have been quite busy. I hope you have a nice holiday too. Thank you for supporting us with your prayers. Merry Christmas!”
Aliyah – “It has been really busy this year, so I am glad to have a break from school right now. After lots of waiting, I am excited to start the new church. I am excited about Christmas and being with family. I hope you all have a great Christmas too. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!”
Mariah – “Kaylah has grown up this year and has started talking and saying different words. She is toddling around. This Christmas I am looking forward to giving and receiving presents, and I am looking forward to when the new church starts in January. Happy Christmas!”
Joel – “I am very excited about Christmas because I get to give lots of presents, and I am excited about the new church too. I think I might get some Lego for Christmas, and I have surprise presents for people in my family.”
Kaylah – “Geen. Yeah. Red. Happy. Jesus Bouquet (Birthday). Pink.”