August has been a full and fun month. Peter loved his time in Boston studying Christ-Centred Preaching and came back re-inspired and encouraged. The kids and I have been enjoying the beautiful weather we’ve had. Joel has played hours and hours of football with neighbour boys and Mariah and Kaylah have been doing dog-walking for people in our neighbourhood to earn a bit of money. Of course they are wanting a dog of our own but Mom and Dad are not so sure about that! Kaylah is now on lesson 43 of her 100 Easy Reading Lessons so we have been busy helping her through those. Jessah is learning all kinds of new skills like standing up and climbing into the dishwasher. Aliyah has been helping me with school planning and organising and Hannah has been enjoying lots of time reading, skyping with her friend in Oregon and looking forward to flying across the ocean to see her! She has been counting down the days for months and now the big day has finally arrived.
We (Hannah, Jessah and I) are mostly packed and ready for our trip to Oregon to see family! We leave tomorrow morning and would very much appreciate your prayers for a smooth and healthy (no migraines!) trip. It will be about 24 hrs. door to door and my body struggles to cope with journeys like this. However, I know our Father will be with us and we feel so blessed to be able to make this trip (frequent flyer miles from my hubby!). Can’t wait to see my parents, sister, brother in law and nieces and nephews. Peter and the remaining four kids will be holding down the fort here. They are going to our good friends’ church in Devon this coming weekend where Peter will be doing a preaching seminar and then speaking there on Sunday morning before whizzing back to Chippenham for our special Sunday afternoon family service (with a special international theme!). Then on Monday he’ll start school with the four kids at home (go daddy go!). Please pray for us as we embark on another year of discipling and teaching the Meadlings. Here are some photos for you (mostly of Jessah this time!) . . . I’ll write again after I get home from the USA.

I love how Jessah delights in Peter and he delights in her. A picture of our heavenly Father’s delight in us.