This Friday I will be flying over to Poland for the European Leadership Forum. I have attended every year since 2009, with one exception, and this will be my sixth year leading a network. What does that mean?
The Forum is really a collection of networks, which are subject specific training events for the appropriate people. So there are networks for church planters, or apologists, or evangelists, etc. The networks I have been working with are for Bible Teachers and Preachers. There is a foundational (i.e. first time) network, and an advanced for people returning to the network. There will be close to 800 people from all over Europe, just over 50 of which will be in the Bible Teachers & Preachers Networks.
Every day begins with a plenary Bible teaching session, then we get two sessions in our networks. After lunch there are workshops and the evening session is typically a standalone plenary session. Also, on the first day I have concluding sessions with last year’s Year Round Mentoring group (about 10 preachers that I have worked with since last year’s Forum), and introductory sessions with next year’s Year Round Mentoring group.
In previous years I have worked with my good friend Huw Williams, from Turin International Church, Italy. This year we have four more friends joining us to help facilitate the two networks. For me personally I will be teaching in 15 sessions during the days in Poland. It is always quite a busy few days, but also always good to reconnect with good friends and past members of the Year Round Mentoring groups (this year will be my fifth group).
Ever since we were sent into missions in 2004, it has been a real passion to equip others for communicating God’s word. The ELF involvement is a strategic opportunity to invest in preachers from all over Europe.
Prayer requests:
- For emotional and physical energy for the demanding schedule at the Forum
- For the Year Round groups and the two networks to work really well and make a genuine difference in their ministry and church lives
- For the team of facilitators working together for the first time this year: Peter, Huw, Mike, Ovi, Fraser and Steve.
- For good health for all involved and safe travel!
Thank you!