We are just entering into a twelve-day period in which I am preaching or teaching 15 sessions. We knew it would be busy. Let me explain how that happened. We know we need to guard our schedules and be careful not to say yes to everything. We say no quite frequently (I had to decline an invitation for this evening!) But in the case of these two weeks, we already had some things lined up when extra invitations came that we both felt were important. We agreed on a plan to make it more manageable for us as a family.
So, what are the 15 sessions?
Today, I will teach for three hours at Union School of Theology, using Zoom. It is a first-year Bible handling and preaching class.
I am in Guildford this weekend at a church I visit twice yearly. I have five sessions spread through Saturday afternoon, evening and Sunday morning. Two of these sessions involve training preachers. I have an evening session on how to respond to a shifting culture, and then I preach twice on Sunday morning.
I am travelling to Suffolk next week to speak at a Keswick Living Word event. This is a gathering of local believers under the Keswick banner, where I will preach for three evenings from 2 Corinthians 3-5 on the New Covenant. I also have two leaders workshops during the day.
Then, the following weekend, we will head to Surrey. On the morning of the 27th, I will preach at Oakhall Church from Galatians, then return to Trinity to speak in our Judges series in the afternoon.
There it is, fifteen sessions in twelve days. Prayer is appreciated for travel, family relationships, and each session to make a difference.