I’ve been promising to put photos on the web . . . which is always partially for my Mom and Dad . . . and as I type they are on their way to Chippenham on the coach from Heathrow! I’m sure they’ll appreciate seeing us in the flesh more than the photos, but for all the rest of you who are interested, here are some from the past month.
A big highlight of the past month was the birth of baby rabbits. One of our rabbit mums had just one baby and his/her name is Vanilla. Here are a few photos and you can see how she’s grown. She is 4 weeks old now. Our other litter of 3 babies was born on Easter Sunday and they are too tiny to take pictures of yet.
We are going to be leaving to go pick up my parents in a few minutes now. We are excited to spend time with them for the next 12 days. It’s been a very busy period for us so we are hoping for some time for relaxation. On an unrelated note, I found out that Mariah has a water infection which explains why she’s been slightly off-colour for a few weeks. I am just really grateful that we figured out what it was as she had no classic symptoms and they were testing her for something else. Hopefully the antibiotics should do the trick and she’ll have more energy soon. As always, thank you for your prayers, especially for Cor Deo and also for the many chances we are having lately to influence others around us. Pray that we’ll stay plugged into the source of life – our True Vine – so we can then be giving freely to others.