It’s officially Easter weekend now. What a wonderful holiday – I love it! We are taking the day off “school” tomorrow for Good Friday. I plan on reading the kids some Easter related stories I printed off the interent and we will go through our “resurrection eggs” which tell the story of Easter with little objects inside each plastic egg. We’ll do some Easter crafts too hopefully, sometime over the weekend. Then in the evening our neighbour is coming over for dinner. Saturday we may go out with some friends (if it’s not snowing, as it is forecast to do!) and in the evening we are going to make “resurrection cookies.” I heard about the idea last year, but AFTER Easter. So we are eager to try them. Each ingredient symbolizes a part of the Easter story. You put them in the oven Saturday night and on Easter morning, the cookies are “empty,” just like Jesus’ tomb! I will report on Sunday on how they turn out! (If you want to try making them, just google “resurrection cookies” for the instructions) Oh, on Sunday, the girls and I plan to watch Treasures of the Snow on dvd (could be a fitting weekend to do it, ha!). I just finished reading the book out loud to them today – what a beautiful story! If you have not read it, I highly recommend it. The girls know its a good one if Mom cries at the end! 🙂
A few more things to report . . . I haven’t heard any news from Peter today. I will report when I do hear something. A piece of good news is that I do NOT have to renew Aliyah’s passport. Thank you Lord for that one! And Christianity Explored (part 7 of an 8 week course at church) went extremely well tonight. Keep praying for hearts to be changed, especially for my friend Sam – that she will keep on growing in her understanding of Jesus’ love for her.
Thanks for praying!