Sorry for the boring post title. It’s been a fuzzy brain day – tonight I tried to brush Joel’s teeth with Mariah’s toothbrush (that one got lots of laughs from the kids), forgot about a dentist appt. (they had mercy and won’t charge me) and accidentally posted the US grandparents a letter with the UK postage for the other grandparents on it (let’s hope it somehow arrives!) So, you can’t be flying high every day! I am now in the third day of this lovely little cold/flu that I probably brought with me off the plane. Tonight I am feeling some better. I have had a very sore throat, aches, chills and a stuffed up nose and head (which has affected my hearing quite a bit). Most of that is gone now, but I still have the stuffed up head. Nothing major, just enough to knock me off my feet for awhile. A good friend very kindly took my children so I could sleep a bit the past few days. (As well as the cold, I think jet-lag has also been playing a role in my strange sleeping patterns) I’m thankful I’ve got nothing worse than a cold. But I thought I’d post an update because I know some people were wondering how I was doing with Peter gone. I am doing fine and very thankful for God’s strength and help.
I spoke to Peter today and he is doing really well. He taught on how to prepare a sermon today (4 hrs.) and will lead a seminar discussion again tomorrow and preach the next day I believe. He said the participants are very eager and there are about 100 there. All is going very well. Thanks for praying for all of us.