Yesterday and tomorrow I am driving good distances to preach. If last night is anything to go by, it is so worth it. Almost three hours driving each way. Leicester University is up in the middle of the country. They have their “missions week” coming up in about a month – a week of intensive outreach to the students on campus. These weeks happen in most universities. Pray for Leicester and other universities since this is such a strategic outreach. Leading up to that they have three weeks in the first three chapters of Romans. So last night I was asked to teach Romans 1:18-2:11. Quite a chunk in a limited time, but worth it. As one student said to me, “I used to not care at all about evangelism, until I really understood the gospel, now I’m very involved.” So last night we talked about how lost the lost really are.
Then there are the half dozen decent conversations afterwards too. People thinking about Bible school and missions. Pray for them to be able to follow through and pursue these options. As I’ve said before, often the strongest opposition comes from well-meaning Christians who feel it is their duty to encourage young people to get a “real” education, get married, get a mortgage, get a job, etc. (I still can’t fathom why people think that is helpful advice to someone actually in a position to get equipped for ministry or get involved in missions! It’s like saying, “Oh you want to run a race, great idea, but first tie your legs to this post and your arms to this gate and wear these heavy clothes that you can’t remove and once you’re all enmeshed, then great, go for it!”) If someone actually has the motivation to go to Bible school or into missions, let’s be among the few that get behind them, encourage them, support them!
Tomorrow evening I am at a fairly small church a couple of hours away. They invited me a long time ago, a friend of a friend I think. But I am excited about it. Numbers are not the concern. The opportunity to help people understand and live out the teaching of the Bible is the concern. We’ll be in the last half of 1Peter chapter 1. Thanks for praying for the journey, the preaching, the interactions.