As of this afternoon, everyone seems OK. We are not counting our chickens, however, as we have had periods of time like this during the past month. We decided not to go to the homeschool club event tonight (sadly) as we feel we might still be contagious and don’t want to expose all the other families. If we all stay well tonight, at least some of us will go to church tomorrow as it will have been 3 days since the last episode. Hannah has a leading role in the church play (the teacher in a classroom setting), Aliyah is an angel and Mariah is a carol singer. Of course, we don’t want to miss it. We have been eating a bland diet for the last day or two and trying some natural remedies/supplements. Please pray for us to put this virus behind us forever! In the scheme of things, it’s not that big of a deal. So keep praying for the eternal stuff too – like new saved souls this Christmas season.
Now for some positive news. . . on the “school” front. Aliyah is turning into a great little reader! She can often be spotted nowadays engrossed in a book. A joyful sight for this homeschooling mom! I am thrilled at her progress and most importantly, she is enjoying reading. One of my big goals in school is that the kids would love to learn and learn the skills to know how to learn. Reading is a pretty foundational one, not to mention the fact that she is now able to read the Bible, the most important book ever! We just fixed up a Day by Day Bible of Hannah’s (needed some tape!) that helps a child read through the Bible in a year and gave it to Aliyah. I’m not quite sure she’s fully ready, but I think Aliyah’s going to attempt it. Now, if you were pondering doing the read-through (see Peter’s post a few days ago), here’s some motivation! If Aliyah can attempt it, so can you! (HINT: She’s already starting. Why not get a head start? Email Peter if you need a reading plan.)