After about six hours on the trains, I finally got home at 10pm yesterday. I met a friend on the train and spent some time chatting to him, during which I told a woman I’d let her know when the snack bar was open. Ten minutes later I duly obliged, but informed the wrong woman. She must have wondered what was wrong with me! So I travelled up Wednesday, then we spent Thursday and Friday in Keswick. We had a great time discussing how to preach Proverbs and what to learn from Eugene Lowry’s preaching book. It was so nice to be able to talk through something other than the beginner’s preaching course. Saturday we were back in Carlisle, and we finished off our discussions. Then yesterday after church I headed back south on the slow train (it’s like a Sunday driver – it stops more often and takes much longer than a normal day). It’s great to see the family again! Thanks for praying for us.