Here are some photos from the last month.
Mom enjoys a cuddle with Bob the Builder! Joel is currently obsessed with all kinds of hats!
Whoah!! We can almost see her tonsils!
Mariah is usually full of all types of smiles.
Oh yes, Joel’s also obsessed with ladders! (Yes, he does have a parent standing underneath him!)
The kids love to “perform” for us. Here they are doing one of their shows.
A birthday cuddle with Mom.
We are growing all kinds of things in our garden this summer. Here is the very first strawberry!
Oh, yes, if there’s no ladder nearby, Joel will pick something else to climb! When I told him to get down (after snapping the photo!), he argued with me saying he was being a fireman. 🙂
We all thoroughly enjoyed our visit to the Logos Hope when it was in London.
This morning we harvested our first potatoes!