We’ve seen improvement over the past three days, which is encouraging. The headaches were too much, but a couple of adjustments and something seems to be working. Yesterday Melanie and I were at the Missionary Study Class – a monthly missions institution here in Chicagoland (as they call it around these parts). It was encouraging to be around folks passionate about missions. Both speakers were focused on the need for and importance of training on the field – amen to that! This morning we were all at Warrenville and really enjoyed the morning. This is a three service Sunday morning . . . breaking of bread at 9, Sunday School with classes for all ages at 10:30, then family Bible hour at 11:30 (which lasts 50 minutes, so perhaps it is not actually called Family Bible Hour . . . forgive me Warrenville readers). Anyway it worked out really well. I shared about our ministry in the adult Sunday school class, then spoke on 2Tim.3 in the third service. Afterwards we were hosted by a couple for lunch, but ate it in the church, which also was great as the children had plenty of room to run off steam!It’s Mother’s Day here in the US, so Melanie is getting her second Mother’s Day of the year. She deserves it. Speaking of which I should go to the kitchen and take over making dinner . . . I will also offer to do all Melanie’s planned ironing for the next 12 months.